MOC Tip of the month

MOC Tip of the Month

Written for Fellows by Fellows, MOC Tip of the Month is a monthly feature in Dialogue, the Royal College’s newsletter for members. Check back every month for the latest tip!

Section 3 Assessment tips

Claim MOC credits for your locally-based examination activities: Did you know that you can claim MOC Program credits for developing and administering local examinations at your own university or academic centre?

Me and my MOC: Staying up-to-date with the help of my national specialty society: Dr. Stephanie Baxter, FRCSC, shares her strategy for keeping her surgical skill set razor-sharp.

Me and my MOC: Practising in the North and finding great MOC opportunities: In this interview Dr. Danielle Stachiw, FRCSC, explains why she really wouldn’t trade living and working in the North for anything.

Managing MOC transitions (from mostly clinical to mostly administrative): Dr. Doug Hedden, FRCSC, shares how he adjusted his Maintenance of Certification to keep pace with his shift from clinical to administrative practice.

Tips on giving feedback: Have you ever felt nervous before giving feedback? Dr. Matt Kurrek, FRCPC, shares four helpful ways that he’s honed his skills over the years.

Visit a sim centre to reveal more Section 3 credit opportunities: Dr. Glenn Posner, FRCSC, shares four ways a sim centre can help you improve your practice.

How I turned my regulator review into MOC credits: When I found out that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario was going to review my practice, I was apprehensive. After 15 years in practice, this would be my first review with the regulator and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect…

For easy and effective patient feedback, try a communication guide: I want to share my simple but rigorous tool so that you too can leverage it for your Section 3 learning, whatever your patient demographic.

Want to improve your consultation skills? Try video: Not only is video a great way to claim Section 3 credits, I promise you’ll be inspired to change your practice and improve how you interact with patients.

It’s there for the taking! How hospital data can fuel self/team assessment. Hospitals collect and report all kinds of metrics for accreditation and QI. Did you know that you can take advantage of this data for your own continuing professional development?

Turn your presentations into Section 2 & 3 MOC credits: Developing and delivering a presentation is a launch pad to a surprising number of learning opportunities

Team up with a surgical colleague to claim MOC Program credits: Surgeons assisting each other during procedures = a great opportunity to receive feedback!

Six ways community-based Fellows can earn Section 3 assessment credits: Overcome the “town and gown” quandary of the community-based physician with these six ideas from Dr. Bindlish, FRCSC.

Dive into your patient records to improve your practice: Former CPD Educator Dr. Schneeweiss, FRCPC, reveals her seven-step process to improve an aspect of care in your practice (and engage in self-assessment) using a chart audit.

Section 2 Self-learning tips

Active on Twitter? Put your time to good use and claim MOC credits: Learn how to harness social media as a vehicle for your MOC, no matter where you live or what you practice.

Claim MOC credits for your patient safety work: Dr. Laflamme shares how he turned a memorable patient encounter into MOC credits (how you can, too!)

How to turn your consultations into MOC learning opportunities: : Did you know that you can leverage your consultations and communications with family physicians for MOC Program credits.

How to turn information overload into a practice advantage through scanning: Are you inundated with publications each month? Are you looking for ways to balance your responsibilities and still stay on top of all of your practice-related literature? This tip by Dr. Mohit Bhandari, FRCSC, is for you!

Checklist: uploading your bulk reading or scanning to MAINPORT ePortfolio: Confused about uploading your bulk reading or scanning? Get some clarity with these tips from the Royal College Services Centre.

Complete a Personal Learning Project in 6 simple steps: One doctor’s stress-free method for personal learning projects (*earn two MOC credits/hour).

A researcher’s guide to fulfilling your MOC: Claim MOC Program credit while pursuing your research activities. Dr. Ahmed breaks it down.

Looking for bite-sized, engaging CPD? Learn with podcasts! Podcasts: small packages, big benefits. Two ways to use podcasts in your MOC and some suggested podcasts to get you started.

“Check in” with a query, “check out” a self-learning idea: How question libraries can improve access to CPD

Setting up a virtual “hallway consult” can boost your CPD strategy: Are your colleagues widely dispersed? Does this make it a challenge for you to meet your MOC Program requirements? Consider getting creative...

Catch up on reflective self-learning with a summer reading list: Dr. McFadyen, FRCPC, explains the many ways to claim reading activities, including an efficient bulk-upload option for voracious readers!

Turn your field work abroad into a Personal Learning Project: Dr. Baboolal, FRCPC, explains two ways you can report time spent treating patients abroad — which approach is right for you?

Section 1 Group learning tips

How to squeeze the most value out of your accredited group learning before, during and after the event Fellows often ask me how they can enhance the value and impact to their personal practice of an accredited group learning event. Here are my recommended strategies…

Is the international conference you are attending eligible for an “accredited” credit rating? Former CPD Educator Dr. Burhan, FRCPC, explains how to check if a conference held outside of Canada is accredited or unaccredited.

Triple your conference learning: Will you be attending an accredited conference? Dr. Ahmed, FRCPC, shares five steps for turning conference learnings into personal learning projects.