The Royal College Directory Includes:


Specialists certified by the Royal College who make a commitment to ensuring the highest standards and quality of health care through lifelong learning and skills development. Fellows who are retired are listed on the directory by request only. The date provided in the “Category” column is the earliest date from which the individual has held continuous Fellowship in the Royal College.

Continuing Professional Development Participants

Health care professionals who are not Fellows of the Royal College, but are participating in our MOC Program.


Diplomates are specialist physicians or surgeons who have been deemed eligible for the Royal College’s Area of Focused Competence (AFC) credential and maintain their status annually. For example, an Oncologist may enhance his or her skillset by completing a diploma in Transfusion Medicine.

Resident Affiliates

Specialists-in-training who are enrolled in a Canadian specialty medicine or surgery program. Resident Affiliates may participate in the MOC Program, however it is not mandatory.


Founders have been involved in the creation of a new subspecialty (for example, the creation and development of standards, training requirements, and examinations for a new or transitioning subspecialty) and are therefore unable to gain eligibility to the certification examinations of the subspecialty. Recognition as a Founder involves an application process through the Royal College Credentials Unit.

Subspecialist Affiliates

Subspecialist Affiliates have successfully completed a Royal College subspecialty examination through the Subspecialty Examination Affiliate Program (SEAP), however have done so without completing the primary specialty examination. Subspecialist Affiliates are not Royal College certified nor are they eligible for Fellowship. Maintenance of Affiliate status requires ongoing participation in the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program.

Who is not included?

Royal College Fellows, Continuing Professional Development Participants and Affiliates who cease to pay their annual fees and/or have not complied with the requirements of the Maintenance of Certification Program do not appear on the Directory.

A Fellow who is not active may no longer use the Fellowship designation (FRCPC/FRCSC) and will be removed from the Directory. Similarly, Diplomates who are not in good standing may not use the designation DRCPSC, and will also be removed from the Directory.