Terms of Reference
Awards Committee


The Awards Committee is a sub-committee that reports to the Fellowship Affairs Committee (FAC). The purpose of the committee is to grant awards, visiting professorships and fellowships within the guidelines approved by Council.

Responsibility and Authority

The Awards Committee:

  • reviews and revises terms of reference for Royal College fellowships, awards, grants and visiting professorship programs;
  • selects recipients for Royal College fellowships and visiting professorships;
  • selects recipients for the Royal College’s honorary awards, with the exception of Royal College Honorary Fellowship which is awarded by Council;
  • delegates the adjudication of certain fellowships, grants, prizes and awards to sub-committees;
  • drafts terms of reference for new Royal College awards and grants; and
  • recommends to the Executive Committee of Council nominees for national awards for which the Royal College is submitting a nomination (e.g., Meritorious Service Award, Order of Canada) or on which Royal College input is invited.


The Awards Committee has at least six and up to eight (8) members, including the Chair. A majority of the committee members are Fellows of the Royal College.

The Chair of the Awards Committee also participates as a member of the Fellowship Affairs Committee.

Key Competencies and Characteristics

Committee members should possess general knowledge of the Royal College, and have experience and expertise in adjudicating honorific awards and/or grant applications.

Committee members should also possess the ability and willingness to meet the strategic directions of the Royal College and the willingness to participate effectively in committee meetings.

Term of Office

The usual term of office of the chair is two years renewable once (maximum 4 years). The usual term of office of members is two years, renewable twice (maximum 6 years). The terms of office take effect as stipulated so long as the member’s total years of service on the committee do not extend beyond 10 years.

All terms shall begin and end at the time of the Annual Meeting of the Members when vacancies exist.


The Committee usually meets once per year face-to-face.  Additional teleconferences may be required as necessary.

Quorum consists of a majority of the voting members of the committee (i.e., 50% plus one). The chair is counted as a voting member in constituting quorum. However as the presiding official of the committee, the chair does not move motions. Furthermore, the chair shall only vote when the vote is conducted by secret ballot. Every question shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast. In the event of a tie vote, the question shall be defeated. When a committee is called to make a decision outside of a meeting by e-ballot, the same rules apply.

Appointment to a Royal College committee carries significant responsibilities, and all committee members are expected to adhere to the Volunteer Code of Conduct. In addition, committee members are required to maintain absolute discretion and not divulge, re-produce, or release any confidential information except when authorized by the Royal College. Committee members may download a copy of committee materials for the sole purpose of participating in committee work. All downloaded materials must be deleted once the related committee work is completed. The Royal College retains copies of committee materials should committee members wish to access them at a later time for related work.

Committee work product

In the course of performing their committee duties, committee members may produce or contribute to materials, content or other work products. These work products and the related intellectual property will be owned by the Royal College. The Royal College is open to discussing other ownership arrangements for specific projects. Alternative arrangements must be confirmed in writing by the project contributors and the Royal College.

TOR record

Approved by: Governance Committee
Approval Date: June 16, 2020
Approval path: FAC, GC
Effective date: June 16, 2020
Date of next review: Spring 2022
Royal College Office: OMEP
Version status: Approved